Sunday, 4 January 2009

Growing in Prayer

The sermon on "Growing in Prayer" by Rev Lillian Ang left a deep impact on me when she last preached on 7 Dec. Her sermon was based on 1 Thess 3:9-13.

She started with the story of a George McCluskey who spent one hour daily in prayer for his family. This prayer extended to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Many of his famly members committed their lives to God in full-time service and even though one of his great-grandsons, Dr James Dobson, did not go into full-time service but chose to be a psychologist, his ministry has reached millions around the world through Focus on the Family. This shows the power of prayer and also that our prayers should be much more than just about ourselves but about what is best for God's people.

She presented two guidelines for prayer: 1. thankfulness to God and 2. increase in our love for others.

I'm reminded to pray with thanksgiving as it shows gratitude to God and is a testimony through which we share with others the reality of God's love and concern. When things are going well, our prayers of thanksgiving remind us from Whom the blessings come and when things are not going well, our prayers contain a hope that God who is faithful will act. (Life application: think of someone whom you can thank God for - instead of complaining and finding fault, thank God for the good points we find in others)

I'm also reminded to pray for others with genuine love and not be self-centred as the source of love is the Lord. William Temple once said, "The Church is the only society on earth that exists for the benfit of non-members." My prayers for others must be translated into love in action.

As the new year begins, I must endeavour to grow as a praying person. So, help me Lord... Holy Spirit, take over....

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