Extracting key points from the sermon notes:
There are four major signs of Jesus’ return: 1. The World; 2. The Church; 3. Jerusalem; and 4. In the Sky, When Jesus prophesied about His return, He was not only telling His disciples about the future, but He included in His prophecy, exhortations on how they ought to be living and behaving as they await His return.
1. Signs in the World (Wars, Earthquakes and Famines) - Matthew 24:6-8
2.1. Christians will face universal persecution – v9.
2.2. The Church will experience a great falling away where many will leave the Christian faith or remain lukewarm in their faith – verses 10 and 12.
2.3. Many false prophets and messiahs will arise 2.4. The Gospel will be preached to the whole world – v14.
3. Signs from Jerusalem - Matthew 24:15-16
4. Signs from the Sky - Matthew 24:29-30
Jesus gives us four pictures in Matthew 24 to ready us for His return:
2. Two Men/Women: If two people are together at the time of Christ’s return, one may be taken and the other left behind. This tells us that not all will be saved, even those who are close to a believer.
3. Thief Breaking in: Jesus’ return will be sudden and unpredictable. This picture reminds us to value our souls and be ever watchful and ready.
4. Two Servants: We are to be like the faithful servant going about his duties whilst expecting his master’s return, and not like the careless, cruel and carousing servant who gets cut to pieces when his master returns unexpectedly.
Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids - Matthew 25:1-13
- The Lord will come without warning.
- Some things just cannot be borrowed.
- Some things can’t be put off till the last minute.
- Lost opportunities can’t be regained.
We are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8,9) but our faith must be authenticated by works (James 2:14-17,Eph 2:10). We demonstrate our love and faith by our deeds.
Key thoughts:
2. Start living for God. 3. Share the good news.
4. Seek to be transformed to be more like Christ.
5. Serve God with the gifts He has given.
6. Love my neighbours
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