Attended the Maundy Thursday service at Sengkang Methodist at the invitation of Elaine.
It was a special service designed to stimulate all senses.
The service was entitled "The Servant's Choice: Dying with Christ - sharing Peter's journey of faith".
We had to visit 4 stations and meditate on the scene portrayed from Peter's perspective.
Station 1 - we witnessed the
washing of feet in the form of a shadow play.
Meditation: Why did Jesus have to do a lowly servant's task? Look into the loving eyes of Jesus
and feel His invitation to wash your feet.
Jesus loves me so much - I surrender my pride to His love and submit my will to His will.Station 2 - we stood in cold water, feeling water under our feet just like Peter
as he
walked on water and we could hear the winds too...Meditation:
Peter felt a strong hand reach down and pick him up. When you experience the sickening sinkimg feeling, Jesus is present. What is the most trying situation you are facing? You are not alone. He is extending His hand to you. Give your fear and worry to Jesus.
Jesus is always there for me in the storms of my life.Station 3 - we heard the knocking of nails after
Peter's denial.
Peter tried so hard to be perfect, strong, the best disciple that Jesus would ever work with.
But Jesus told him that he would deny Him 3 times.
Maybe this was the way Jesus was telling him in advance that He understood
how stupid he felt and how scared he was.
Meditation:Jesus knows your innermost feeling. He is aware of your weakness and struggles.
Is there anything in your life you feel so sorry and so ashamed of? Tell that to Jesus.
Can you hear Jesus saying, "My child, it's ok. I know you. I accept you."
Receive Jesus' love for you.
Jesus accepts me the way I am and I go to Him just the way I am.
Station 4 -
5 loaves and 2 fish: we tasted the bread and smelled the fish.
Jesus cares about the smallest things in your life, even whether you have enough to eat. Cast all your cares onto Jesus for He cares for you. What are the worries and burdens that you want to surrender to God? Thank God that He bears them for you. Has God surprised you with a "special providence" recently? Give thanks.
Jesus bears my burdens - I thirst for Jesus' presence, His calling and His forgiveness.