Sunday 11 January 2009

Church Directions for 2009 -2011: What on earth? (is)

Rev Melvin Huang preached on the Kingdom of God today and announced the directions for 2009 and 2011.

The Kingdom of God (2009)
  • emphasis on a major biblical theme and the official title of the gospel
  • raise understanding and awareness of Biblical teaching of the Kingdom of God/heaven in the OT and NT
  • preaching series on Biblical Theology on the Kingdom
  • encourage SGs to do a study series on the Kingdom
  • teaching events/programmes on the Sermon on the Mount, Parables and Eschatology

The Body of Christ (2010)

  • emphasis on the major Biblical metaphor for the Church
  • raise awareness of the church as a spiritual organism (vis-a-vis human institution)
  • preaching series on Biblical Theology of the Church
  • teaching events/programmes on Spiritual Giftings (espeically Network), Christain Community
  • Studies on other Biblical Metaphors for the Church, e.g. Family, Army, Bride

The Work of the Holy Spirit (2011)

  • emphasis on the Biblical Theology of person and work of the Holy Spirit
  • promote a clearer understanding of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Godhead and His role in the Gift of the believer and the Church
  • preaching series on Biblical teaching of the Holy Spirit
  • Teaching events/programmes on spiritual formation, disciplines, Christian Character (Fruit of the Spirit)
  • Studies on Wesleyan "Spreading Scriptural Holiness"

The key verse for this year's theme is from Matthew 6:33 - But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

It is once again a good reminder to attend to what matters most to God and not to what matters most to us.

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